>>12622480no, people rhat don't kill themself don't have suicidal tendencies
ie unless you strictly fail at suicide you're not suicidal, attempting it doesn't count you have to fail hard... or alternatively succeed
>probably more expensivewhy? whos gonna get all zhat money? hitler in argentina?
>eating out cheaperyou can get a really cheap really tasty small mom and pops restaurants with dinner for two for less than that... if that's truly impossible in UK then oh lawdy I'm for sho not visiting anytime soon
>it feels very hollowit's a competance test, women are very emotionaly centered beings but somehow less emotional when it comes to sex for some reason
basically every woman thinks all you want from them is sex and they will keep you on a leesh either away from them because until you prove you're after her heart or to keep you as close to them as a basic walking atm that cashes out money in exchange for sex they provide
you sit there arlnd prey it's the former rather than the latter but you come to realise she keeps secrets from you, lies and doesn't tell you what's up and the distance expands and you realise she doesn't like you and you can fuck off from her life or stick around for several gruesome months in hopes of repairing the distance by acts of distinct kondness in forms of gifts or alternatively- setting up errands that go heavily in their favour
by taking her on a dinner at the first place you bypass the very awkward distance part for a while- even if she is bitchtesting you, you atleast have a premium spot that you have to sit in a hope she doesn't find somebody better until you bridge the gap