Why did he delete his video where he made fun of indians on facebook?
At one point in the video he displayed the swedish flag on screen, and for a seconds played a cover of the swedish national anthem. The cover was by nationalist (socialist?) band Svensk Ungdom (Swedish Youth).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQ9_-JhxVpMThis is the song. They have one song about the boomers negligence of tradition and turning a blind eye to marxist subversion and increasing immigration in Sweden. A few of their other songs are based on poems Sven Olov Lindholm, leader of the swedish national socialist party back in the day.
Did he regret this subtle hint? Was he afraid someone would figure it out and use it against him? The video has since been removed, it was called "show bobs and vegana".
A reupload of the video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i899LoGN1TAWhy did he delete it, fellas?