>>11594559>cuttingbut my fristbites served actual purpouse in training me for makeup of fresh burns
I was pretty good at making those frostbites look like fresh burns and scabs because frostbites turn darker as they age whereas burns go lighter
the beef strip kids just have useless barcodes on their forearm that never properly heal
my "friend" was cutting herself with a knife, not the brightest star in the sky
>no serikaelaborate, most of other sudehoes from Chaos;Child got theirs
>bambooas an asian vampire she has to surpress her urge to feed upon blood of those who recently consumed rice, so she has a bamboo in her mouth (you wouldn't believe how many times I get asked that and my auntie is still under the opinion it's a gag from the asian sex dungeon)
>mayonaisekot of greed