>They genuinely don't care what you believeNot true. The one group of people the SS didn't want was atheists. I personally don't even care if you believe in Jesus, so long as you put blood above your black, brown and asian "brothers"... ie if you're a "Christian" (that is, a Christian in name only, who worships because his parents worshiped, who goes to church because spending time in old brick temples makes him feel nice and peaceful and fulfills his need for spiritual realization, etc). Most of our European ancestors were "Christians", I reckon even many high-placed church people. I would never go against the Church one thousand years ago, when the Church was excusively European and there was no threat of migration and blood dilution. Maybe just in small intellectual circles (I believe a European singing "Praise Yahveh" in Hebrew at every mass is really unbecoming), but I certainly wouldn't preach to the plebeians to stop worshiping. Plebeians who had never read the Bible or theology.
Today the situation is different. Most "Christians" in Eastern Europe for instance are heavily prejudiced against non-whites. But that is IN SPITE of their bishops promoting multiculturalism. So Christianity has become a threat even there. But a real Christian... well, a real Christian cannot marry his White daughter to an agnostic White man, however, he can marry his White daughter to a Christian negro. That's obviously no good but it is in fact proper Christianity. Biblically and theologically speaking.