Quoted By:
Frank Vanderlip
Paul Warburg
Henry P Davison
Benjamin Strong
Dwight Morrow
A Piatt Andrew
Nelson Aldrich
Who did these men represent? The East Coast Morgan Banking Establishment, The Chicago Rockefeller Banking Establishment, and the German Jewish Banking Establishment (which is actually international, but German in origin). Chemical Bank, National City Bank, First National Bank, JP Morgan & Co., Guaranty Trust, New York Insurance Co., and others were the primary shareholders following the private auction of Federal Reserve shares.
The Morgan Crew were tight with London Bankers as JP Morgan’s father was tightly associated with George Peabody, a wealthy London banker. Mayer Rothschild paid Peabody to be a social protégé to help gain acceptance into London high society. Thus there's a chain of relations from Mayer Rothschild to JP Morgan's father Junius. London / New York Connection. Also known as the Anglo-American Alliance used to drag the USA into WWI (protip: JP Morgan was awarded monopoly underwriting of French and British treasury notes for the first years of the war!).
The Rockefeller Crew was tight with the Kuhn-Loeb Banking House, The Warburgs The Schiff’s, and the Kahn’s; a bunch of intermarried Jewish German bankers. The German connection financed much of the railroad construction which was used to give rebates to Standard Oil. Kuhn-Loeb and Schiff men served on Standard Oil-owned railroad director boards. Tight knit relationship between the Chicago and Germany establishment (Rockefeller is a German name). Rockefellers did not want to enter the war but were weaker politically at this point than Morgan’s.
During the New Deal, much of the Morgan financial/Railroad Empire crumbled and was subsumed into the Rockefeller financial/Railroad Empire. Rockefellers gained yet cooperated with Morgan’s, indicating that they have maintained ties with the English establishment. Today the Fed belongs almost entirely to the Rockefeller financial establishment.