>>13682991SCALP MASSAGES. Copying my old comment from /fit/ -
https://archive.wakarimasen.moe/fit/thread/62320236/#62329949>I use biotin, a multivitamin and have been doing daily 15m scalp massages (similar to below videos) for the past half a year.>https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kOA9Giz2JMY>https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhBf0-J1Bv0>My hair started to recede and thin a few years back, slowed when I started to use biotin regularly and improved work situation. Started scalp massages from start of the year to see if they'd help, so far hair is feeling pretty healthy and a bit thicker.>When looking into the massage shit initially I came across this nip study ->https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4740347/>which indicated that ->>Standardized scalp massage resulted in increased hair thickness 24 weeks after initiation of massage (0.085 ± 0.003 mm vs 0.092 ± 0.001 mm). Finite element method showed that scalp massage caused z-direction displacement and von Mises stress on subcutaneous tissue. In vitro, DNA microarray showed gene expression change significantly compared with nonstretching human dermal papilla cells. A total of 2655 genes were upregulated and 2823 genes were downregulated. Real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction demonstrated increased expression of hair cycle–related genes such as NOGGIN, BMP4, SMAD4, and IL6ST and decrease in hair loss–related genes such as IL6.>So combined with my own experience I believe it does help. Zero cost or side effects, worst case scenario is it doesn't work for you so would recommend trying.I've been doing dailyish (6/7 days a week) scalp massages since then so up to about 10 months now. My hair is thicker and stronger than it used to be and isn't receding at all anymore. The hair along my fringe isn't a nice solid line or anything and it still pulls back at the corners a bit but it's at the point where you wouldn't be able to tell that there's any receding going on.