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So I come back. And I'm going to leave again, without posting barely a thing. Like I have many times before. Do you know why?
Because of this. This mess. You have lost all fucking self respect. All you do is low effort shitposts. Not even good ones. You just excrete intelligence-sucking material into this board, with the hope that other retards will reply with similar material and it will make you feel special.
For fuck's sake. Look at yourself, /bant/. You were supposed to be a shining ray of hope for this dying website. Not prove that it's been killed by becoming mainstream.
I am ashamed to say this, but I see more original posts on aids-riddled cesspools like r/PewDiePiesubmissions than here, these days. It's just soul sucking, every time I make the mistake of thinking that "hey, maybe /bant/'s doing something interesting"
And you know what's worse? Anyone that bothers to reply will say something completely autistic like "huhuh, kot" or "uhhh sub2pewds to kiil t gay lol".
What happened to you, /bant/. You were always cancer, but you were the good kind.
I love you, and it pains me so much...