Quoted By:
>tfw dating
>everyone you meet has been "dating" for the last 5-10 years
>they have facebook, instagram, twitter, tumblr, snapchat, kik, tiktok, etc... and are active on all those every day
>they've been on tinder for years
Now imagine trying to satisfy and entertain such a person for any length of time.
Even if by some miraculous reason you manage to sincerely bond and form a functional relationship chances are that their compulsive social media habits will slowly erode it or flat-out sabotage it sooner or later.
I mean what kind of honest relationship can you even form with anyone that has their mental focus dissipated over so many vectors of socializing?
A crush, a fling, a passionate short turn burst, but an actual long-term relationship with plans etc...? I don't see it happening and I'm very demoralized about this...