Last night there was a thread in /pol/ where someone posted this book in conjunction with the theory that egypt was a colony of Atlantis that then gained it's independence. They also pointed out that the swastika is found in cultures all over the world as well as egypt. So I found a copy of the book on the book was written in 1909.
>There are certain ancient legends in regard to a lost or sunken continent and a deluge which, though not absolutely accepted as history, are too probable to
be passed over in silence. It is admitted by scientists that the surface of our
earth is continually wasting away, with the result that the bed of the ocean is
being slowly raised, and the geographical position of the land is changing: we
see in one locality that the ocean is washing the land away, whilst in another
the sea is receding. Equally great climatic changes are slowly developing; thus
Greenland was at one time a torrid clime, which at a later age, to be reckoned
only by tens of thousands of years, was succeeded by intense cold, and when
our own island was depopulated by a deluge of ice and frost.