Who can deny they flying around amogging us military and refusing comms, refusing any diplomacy, get angry when you approach them, fuck away with absolutely overpowering abilities. To avoid hurting the stupid monkey, cause they not permission to, YET!
Nobody. Why can't jew get on his jewphone and talk to them. Oh i have an idea, find the ark of the covenant, the jew made up communication device to talk to them. Clearly is them! pillar in cloud it fits all descriptions.
CAUSE THE JEW NEVER TALK TO ANYONE, they saw something and figure out, since they don't want talk to anyone, i can use them to say jews are best and others afraid of them then do what jew says.
What is pillar in cloud?
vid related.
A titan sized ship larger than a small planet with a lot of ships in them, look like a hollowed out cigar. :O
They going to smoke you faster than you smoke a cuban cigar. If you fucking annoy them.
>my god in heaven. HAHAHA
There's more truth in that little fucking clip, not the entire movie cause it's mostly shit, about this sort of thing, than in ALL WORLDS RELIGIONS combined.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiFcxj3NXIUYou are outgunned outmatched outnumbered, COMPLETELY at the wim of them. And yet they let you live. Why? to give you a second chance. of NOT being an asshole. You wouldn't let them live. Ofcourse not. You are the assholes being punished. And proving it how you take it out on the nicest people on earth your ambition to be the masters of the universe, take it out on swedes, polish, germans, french whatever. Whilst feeling sorry for your miserable fucking selves LOL