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Why does the thought of America first terrify the world? The 1st thing an America first government would do is cut the funding for foreign aid, stop propping up weakling nations militaries, and setup tariffs as strong or stronger on every country that tariffs our products. The greatest weapon in the American arsenal has never been utilized and the when it is used most of you parasites collapse overnight. The only countries left with a say in how the world goes would be America, Russia, and unfortunately Israel (bc of centralized banks.) Regardless of past animosities I'm sure a deal could be struck. Imagine a world where America, Russia, and Israel were unashamed imperialists. Their populations pure and allowed to have thier way of life. America has North and south America, plus Europe (to teach these cucks some humility), plus Australia. Russia has all of Asia. Israel gets the middle east and Africa. All to be ran as Rome once was minus immigration and the other obvious flaws. A world finally stable and at peace. Be lucky the "elites" you faggots complain about all the time arent smart enough and are too power hungry and greedy to bring this to fruition.