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This is now 100% OJ meta thread and here i will rate all of the dlcs by its bustedness rating
Genuinely good and balanced characters with interesting gimmicks, can be dangerous in right hands but generally still weaked than p2w chars so largely ignored by faggots
Pretty much followed the formula of the previous dlc but now their gimmicks are slightly worse and also they get raped by any p2w character too
Krila is fair and balanced, if only with a bit obnoxious hyper. Kae however....just ughh...
Made to cockblock bullies and they do their job good enough (provided they get lucky and draw their hypers)
Shams pretty useless other than for making your opponents get killed by boss if you draw a lucky hyper and they land one tile away from boss. Sherry is another well balanced character, nothing to comment on really.
Sweebie was busted on release and im talking like the actual single best character in the game, sadly they nerfed her but for some reason decided not to touch her far more obnoxious counterpart
Another well balanced chars and pretty fun to play at that, Naths hyper cucks bullies too and Tomato/Mimyu are really flexible in how you could play them
free stars/wins for p2w niggers, other than that pretty decent characters
Hair witch is alright, dominates the game if theres not too many bullies on board and her hyper leads to many trollage
Green witch is ok too but no one sane would hang around her + they nerfed her too i forgot how but they removed one of her stats
Yukis pretty lame, yet another character who doesnt stand a chance against top tiers
Tomomo is good though, that is if she gets her hyper, if she does shes one of the character who can actually challenge p2w niggers...that is, if she does...
Good gimmicks, fun to play, not too op, in other words pure antifaggotry
cont. in the next post