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Imagine hw brainwashed you must be to believe that the vaccine is killing more people than the disease lmao.
Looking at the biggest comparable factors:
>USA, Brazil and Russia had catastropihic years in 2020
>16-20% excess death rates because incompetent rulers and dumb people
>Brazilian cities (Sao Paulo) have vaccination rates over 100%
>Reportes nearly no excess deaths anymore
>The US has an overall vaccinationb rate of around 60%
>Hundred thousand people died in 2021 and excess death will be even higher than 2020
>Only vaccination rate of 35%
>Official russian sources reported 1200 deaths every single day from Corona alone
>Excess deaths will rise drsticly
So looking at this logicly:
If /pol/ was right there would be millions of dead people from ADE, blod clots razor graphene bullshit in Brazil but there are none
In Russia on the other hand nobody would die because the flu is fake but Russia has an incredible high excess death rate compared to a normal year.
In other words nothing /pol/ was hyping up in the last 12 months happened:
No Prions dieseas
No graphene
etc etc