>>19585671>nigger, Tayleigh specifically lost because she had an alliance against her and tried to lone wolf it.This alliance was enforced by Jet, it didn't occur naturally. Even then Tay had to be screwed over by directly production. She was starting to out pace Shinji on the final day before TJ and Shinji started sharing chips. Had the NPC rules not changed she could have just kept buying Brian to eliminate TJ over and over each round while doing curses because she still had 800 or so chips by the time she was eliminated. The finale was rigged against her by the production team, the "brotherhood" didn't even matter until the last 2-3 rounds when they finally got chips to start double cursing her. You could see the staff shit themselves in real time the moment Tay bought Brian to eliminate TJ during the "Make Ben well" challenge and also did a curse on him as well. It instantly caused a rule change and they let TJ still participate in the challenge by blocking Tay even though he was eliminated from the round. Tay figured out how to rally and win and Jet stomped it immediately.