-The Hollow Earth theory, with its polar openings and inner Earth, Nazi Foo Fighters and so on sound plausible to some degree.
-Flat Earth is a psyop funded by government agencies to misdirect the criticism and questions regarding the previous topics. Some idiots do it for free because of fun though, making the problem worse.
-Lost history (
>>3829069), worldwide lost antediluvian civilizations. (Pre 11k years ago, Atlantis, etc) have some degree of evidence.
-Ancient Aliens is also very interesting too. Everyone should look it up and consider it as a possiblility instead of just laughing it off.
-Reaction pictures like those at
>>3819645 are a forced meme designed to make posters more easily identifiable. (and they're cancer also)
-Jeans, specially skinny jeans, elastic underwear and all other kinds of tight clothing are a conspiracy to make Western males sterile and lower their testosterone. The people who control the media decide what the fashion is going to be and decide on everything of this always with evil intent.
And these are the ones I could get off just from the top of my head.