y'know, I kinda tske everything back I said on keeping my debts clean, thwy are so massively indebted to me I own their lives at this point
to be fair it's not all that bad, I pissed them off on sheer accident, broke the ladder, ate so much onions that the whole room smelled like whole sillantro fart and my dad just pissed me off harx dnough that I'm going to personaly kill 4 of his grapevines
>>11115995I don't have time for long responses as every time I take more than 5 minutes of break they throw a pissy fit
>thinkingI for one didn't have one of those life flashes before death, all I did was subconcously shift the ladder front so I can drop my right leg on the ground as soon as possible
if I were thinking of something it would be the smug thought of how fucked all of those monsters would be once they would pay for all funeral services
>does it still hurtmy ass? my ass is fine, it probably won't even end up with a bruise