>>17194930Rando: "Hey Jesus can I follow you?"
Jesus: "Have you been a good little Jew and kept Yahweh's commandments?"
Rando: "Yeah since I was a boy!"
Jesus: "Well there's one thing you lack, you 1% bourgeoisie lookin' rich ass bitch!!!! Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor like a complete dumbfuck retard, and then you can follow me."
Rando: "Dude, I'm not selling everything I own and giving the money to strangers. My parents and grandparents worked hard and saved money so that I could live a comfortable life. Why would I squander their hard work like that? You're dumb as fuck. Later."
Jesus: "AHA!!! SEE?? It's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for those dirty rich 1% moneybags to get to Heaven!! Karl Marx was right, we need to eat the rich!!"
Mark 10:17-31
PS: Christianity spread in Rome like Communism spreads today. Rome was the NYC of its time, full of various races and mischlings, the poor and homeless, various subhumans and fags everywhere. These were the people whom the Christians first preached their wretched "gospel" to. The subhuman degenerate undesirables. This is why Rome was Christianized so quickly, just like the West is embracing Communism.