>>12399977Where were you going to?
Also, why do you call him John
>>12400111Just because they're not fat doesn't mean they're any less valid
>That's a bit sad, isn't it?Indeed. Just think... this whole problem could be solved if they were to just have s*x
>Just because she likes tea too?Yes lol. I didn't think you usually liked blondes tho. I wonder if it's possible to make the entire board d3su
>Didn't you say that you don't want to gain weight?Uhhh maybe. I just want to keep my figure, give or take a little here or there. I figure the easiest way to do that is not to gain weight, not that I can really. There's another reason not to grow old
>isn't it hypocritical for those specific ones to be demanding so called real men?Where did this strawman come from? First of all, I didn't use the term real men, and second, no one's demanding anything here. There's a difference between simply desiring something and demanding it. I don't really know how I would demand something like that anyway....
>They have a thread that's about making fun of morbidly obese peopleSounds kind of like r/fatpeoplehate. I know it's super rude, but many of the ones who are especially far gone only have themselves to blame as well as their enablers. That doesn't really sound related to fitness tho
>Miu swimsAh just like a manatee, the cows of the sea
>we look at our respective pictures with different things in mindThe p*rn, sure. But what about that Aerith pic? That one seems more about the beauty than the others
>no need to act disappointedWell... I guess it depends on what kind we're talking about. I would just hate to see that talent wasted on something so crude
>You'll just keep asking more questions Fiiiine, I'm going to trust you. I just want everything to turn out okay....