>>12099438russian mommy milkies
>that's the thingah, the advent of eroanime... lers have a minute of silence as respect that ir exists
>bigger musclesI highly doubt it actually, testosterone is actively metabolised by your liver, while it's true that the longer you go without masturbation thw higher your T levels are however it's imprtant to remember that those differences aren't as large as we think they are, sure if you jack off 14 times a week you will have T levels of a 60 year old granpa; but if you have wet dreaks three times a week you'll have T levels like a normal guy your age that has sex three times a week
comparatively theres a big difference but if your were to compare to someone with no polution in atleast two months you'd have couple of nanograms of difference
also it's fun to note that T levels naturally rise through observation of pornography, recently I stopped jacking off as much and would opt out to just reading a doujin or two with a semi before working out
penile tissue needs testosterone in order to achieve erection and watching porn before workout is your pp signaling your body to produce more testosterone
so while it's not particularly productive nor counterproductive that you don't jack off since... you know... dreams and stuff... it is beneficial that you atleast sometimes consume pornographic content (doujins, hentai, audioeroijca... whatever tickles your branch and berroes really)
wow that took way much space than I hoped it would
and acne are caused by lots and lots of things, I do have it worse both when eating more carbs and when watching porn/abstaining from jerking off and I have them less when I fast and when I jerk off... 7 times a week