>>18295746Colby Jefferson is in her locker room backstage, now dressed in street clothes, when she sees Miss USA's video. As always happens when she catches sight of Miss USA, a wave of dread runs through her, an involuntary reaction brought about by numerous painful and traumatic experiences at her hands. Her muscles tense up, and her senses heighten with adrenaline.
When Miss USA descends from the rafters, it's a new level: fight or flight.
This time, fight.
Colby pulls on her white leather ring jacket, then looks around for something, anything, that can serve as an equalizer to that bat as she rushes out. She sees a small metal pipe, the sort of thing that would be used to extend a mic stand or prop a sound monitor up. Too short to be a weapon. Perhaps still better than nothing. She tucks it up under her jacket, in one of the sleeves, then hustles out to ringside, arriing just as Miss USA is going into the crowd.
>"MISS ADDAMS! YOU get your hands off Jen NOW!!"Colby shouts out as she scrambles over the rail, and of course Miss USA swings the bat at her. Colby throws her jacketed arm up and gets her arm in the way, with the metal pipe she found backstage between her own body and the bat. The impact is nonetheless bone-jarring, but not as deadly as it would've been if she'd caught the bat directly. And it buys Colby a crucial second or two to dive forward, grab her in a clinch, and try to double-leg her down.
It doesn't quite work; Miss USA stays on her feet, and though Colby's in too close to get an effective swing in with the bat, Miss USA is able to rain down heavy forearms and elbow shots on her back and shoulders. Colby desperately struggles with her, retaliating with her own body shots using one free hand as she tries to wrestle Miss USA down. She's still weakened and tired from her hard-fought match with Surfer Girl, and starts to realize with a feeling of dread that she probably won't get the upper hand in this one, at least not on her own.