>>10488913Well, by purpose I've meant to include natural functions too. Sure, reproduction is just a natural function but its purpose is to keep a species from going extinct. Animals and plants keep nature running, keep the cogs turning, so to speak. And in order for that to be maintained, reproduction is essential. Maybe not so much for humans. Nature can go on just fine without them.
>you find that hot too, don't you?You said he had a high position, didn't you? Well, how exactly does somebody like that inspire authority?
Giantess just seems to be the roided up version of that. What's the appeal of that, though? I'd rather pick that over something like femdom, though.
>this might be just placebo autism, but set your connection to metered and the system won't be able to complete the setup for the microphoneHe's not in prison, he just got kicked out once somebody figured it out. Come to think of it, I never actually got around to hearing the full story.
What for? Somebody that rich already has everything they could ever ask for. The most infuriating part of it all is that most people won't ever make that much money, no matter how much they'd work for it. She has no talent. Hell, she's not even all that pretty without all that makeup. Far from ugly, but nothing that extraordinary to justify gaining all that attention.
>I'm guessing it's the nurse that jerks you off under anaesthesia, only that this nurse may or may not be a manNo reason to be alarmed, 'tis a public space after all.
Hold on, so we've got voyeurs and some guy just made a bootleg schizo thread like the one you did a few days ago. What kind of an autistic timeline is this?