>>17721444Why would a supposedly retarded conspiracy theory need dedicated YouTube channels, websites and shills to 'debunk' it?
They really do protesteth too much.
If flat earth is such a retarded conspiracy theory and we are retards for believing it, then why do they care what retards believe?
They don't go to /x/ in Bigfoot threads debunking bigfeet. Or ghosts.
So why is flat earth specifically such a big deal to glowniggers and faggots?
The glowniggers don't like flat earth because it opens the door to the other conspiracies. It gets the normies thinking. It wakes up the npcs.
>the goyim know>shut it downAnd the npc faggots aggressively defend their space ball instead of just not caring is because scientism is their religion. And they are fundamental extremists.
Questioning their space ball is as offensive to them as drawing a picture of Muhammad is to the Muslims
Scientism is the best religion the devil ever invented.
The science priests can just change the scripture anytime it suits them. They can do complete 360s and non of their flock would even consider to question it...cos science.