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Why White men like Asian women:
>Asian women are rarely obese and tend to stay at a healthy weigh their whole lives
>Asian women are more petite and feminine
>Asian women tend to be intelligent, educated and overall behave in non-primitive ways
>Asian women are easier for White men to get into a relationship with
>Asian women are more likely to stay in a marriage because the White skin upgrade for their kids satisfies their female hypergamy desire
Similarly for White men
>Are taller and more physically robust on average with desirable features like defined facial features and light skin, while still being intelligent. This makes them the most appealing on average to women of all races.
>Many are seeking a more traditional relationship dynamic than a modern western feminist marriage
>Would prefer to date a non-garbage White women but those are in short supply, so they are willing to settle for high quality, non-primitive Asian and Latina alternatives
In a perfect world I would prefer to glaze White women but unfortunately most of them have fallen for several shlomoisms at once and have made themselves into undesirable partners. Hope you aren't confused the next time you see a WMAF couple in public.