>>18759669>>18760144>EEK!>MOTHERFU--Shogun shoots a death glare at Onigiri's snickering, looking at her for a few seconds. She was in ridiculous amounts of trouble once this was all over. The anger welled up inside her...and then was dispelled a sigh, as she stomped into her room to wear something a little less...pajama-y.
Though Shogun had been spending the last hour or [period of time here] making sure nobody broke anything or got killed, she'd have to say it was nice actually seeing people relatively enjoy themselves.
>>18768513Some people, a little TOO much. Shogun glances at the spacing Sola Fire, with a look of concern in her eyes as she snaps her fingers at her a few times. She glances over to Carmody, who she's admittedly unfamiliar with, with some concern.
>>18768039>If you want, she can stay in my bedroom for a bit.>Something tells me it's not getting any use any time soon.Shogun had missed the punch being spiked. She assumed that someone brought over something a bit *too* intense for the party, but wasting the effort in playing "referee" at a WWA house party wasn't an attractive option.
>>18769752>>18769801She glances off in the distance. She vaguely recalls the Adjudicator being one of many new faces since the audit, but as far as she can tell, it's just some WWA personnel poorly flirting with Onigiri. And knowing Onigiri, whether she succeeded or didn't, it was "her funeral," as they say.
...but wait, what if that drink she's offering is spiked? Shogun contemplates meddling, as she most certainly isn't trusting of Onigiri's better judgement, but figures she can step in if things take a turn for the worse.
>>18769839She catches a glance at Romero-san, who seems to be having similar thoughts.
>What a party, am I right?>...I'm sure you're not looking for small talk at the moment. But nice to see you again, et cetera et cetera.>If you need some extra muscle for keeping things in line, I'm right there.