was typing up a pair of letters on her laptop. She'd gotten the contact information of most of the WWA; Prophet wasn't the only one who could hack. She hoped the two would accept. It was an appealing offer she'd thought, but she offered nothing but the promise of conflict and opportunity. Not a strong offer, but she wrote each trying to appeal to her targets. Plus she had threw in a bunch of random anime quotes she liked. She sent both emails off, then printed them out. As she put them into envelopes, a knocking came at her apartment door.
A voice rang out behind the door. Kanako confused, makes her way to her door, opening it up to find a medium sized package. She brought it her to her kitchen counter and opened it up. Inside was a bunch of random broken items, ranging from electronics to machinery parts. On top was a letter coated in a brownish red. Kanako smelled it. Dried blood, she recognized the smell. Kanako ripped the envelope open.