>>9457575i'm glad you enjoyed it
>>9457576well they're relatively mediocre examples but garen is pretty good for example. the important thing to consider is that lelterra has a lot less in the way of hard removal or direct damage than something like lelstone so to deal with big minions u frequently just have to play bigger minions, chump block, or have instant buffs for ur small dudes to bait them.
if ur ahead at all and play garen then u basically win because there's little chance that someone can deal with him since he heals at the end of turn then if he transforms u get to attack twice as much
>>9457577now that's gay
not that sort of relationship unfortunately
as far as i can tell beer is just overpriced in general. like $10 for a 6 pack or $3 for a big can at both gas stations and grocery stores
i do like gas stations though, they have an extremely comfy atmosphere. gives me an odd feeling of nostalgia going into them