today's special post is about courage. doing the right thing isn't always easy, sometimes it is very difficult, unpopular or makes one so, even frightening. that is where courage comes in, the ability to do something despite being afraid. yesterday on the train, we were delayed at the station because the cops were getting on. one of them came into my car with his hand over his gun, obviously nervous. never did find out what all of it was about but i'd never seen a cop so unnerved in my life, he looked afraid, but he still did his job, putting himself in danger for the good of others. doing the right thing doesn't always take courage, but it matters most when it does, because people that are afraid to do good truly have no hope at all.
let's remember the brave people in ukraine, on both sides. forget the politics for a moment and remember that nearly a million young people have died, being courageous for their countries. it is time now for serious old people in suits to show a fraction of that courage and make some kind of deal. and be courageous in your own lives, stand up to the bullies, turn away from a vice or two, take a step into the gym or say hello to that person on your mind, with courage you can make the world better.