>>9508673thats the basic of the matter. IS NOT REALLY THAT COMPLICATED
the so called "hairpin" circuit is not much of a mistery is just excitation of gas molecules, every flurecent light bulb works on that same principle and you will also see the "standing wave" phenomena with maxima and minima according to the frequency you are using. a one terminal lightbulb like tesla describe in the patent works by getting the RF inside the bulb through that single terminal and this excites the gas inside it, this will not work under full vacuum because you need some gas molecules to excite so they'll produce light, a fully evacuated bulb will not light up.
example of RF and lighbulbs:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKatgq9sjj8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cn41hSr3VnE that tapping is to "shake" the mercury inside the bulb to make it "lose" some mercury molecules into the bulb and kick the excitation, in very cold temps this lambs are difficult to light up because the mercury condensates so theres not enough mercury "vapor" (molecules) inside the bulb, this is also why this lamps take some time to achive full brighnest. they work best in warm weather.