>>9611363You're alright alexandar. Sorry about the previous banter, just perplexed when confronted with your excellent english. I strongly suspect that you've lived as an expat in Australia, that's not too uncommon after all.
>i just know they're in deals to get albanistan and us in the EUFUCK, kosovars and the likes are the worst fucking scum on this whole continent. Almost worse than niggers desu. EU bureaucrats are really doing their best to ruin everything for everyone.
>>9611362>It's the same type of kids that where emo 10 years ago pretty much.Except this time these kids will be referred to therapists and teachers who tell them that cutting of your dick and having anal sex is a great idea.
Sickening, since these people of authority are purposefully perveting the minds of children, putting them at risk of developing disturbed sexual behaviours.
Even more infuriating since this is demanded by the elite and funded by tax money.