>>11971582Again, no Apostle treated Mary as a goddess like you're arguing, regardless of your desperate quote-mine, which is Jesus telling John to care of an aged woman.
>>11971606No, Luther is the fulfillment of Savonarola's prophecy from 100 years before: that Luther would rid Catholicism of many errors.
>>11971426>>11971508>>11971562Baptist churches were founded by the Apostles, hence why Baptists argue from the Bible, and why you're constantly rebuked by the Bible. Protestants like Luther, Zwingli, Wycliffe, and Calvin just came to that realization later, bringing some unbiblical vestiges of Catholicism with them. See pic and read the Trail of Blood by JM Carroll.
https://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Books,%20Tracts%20&%20Preaching/Printed%20Books/trail_of_blood_jm_carroll.htm Catholicism did not exist before the 4th century AD, and was founded using the theology of the 3rd c. universalist Origen of Alexandria. The true churches that never joined it continued to Baptist churches and continued to be persecuted by Rome and Jews.
>>11971615Where does it say in matthew 16:18 that "the popes are the infallible rock"? You're reaching out of desperation
>muh arbitrary authorityAugustine said Christ was the Rock of Matthew 16:18, not Peter. There is no consistency among your "Church Fathers".
>>11971455>>11971463>>11971547Romans 5:12 proves that sin is passed from the father, never from the mother, hence Eve's sin didn not bring the world into sin (just herself) but Adam's did, and hence also why it is pointless and Biblically-illiterate to claim that Mary needed to be sinless at all to be a vessel for the sinless Christ.
>>11971552Your brain on deflection. Papists will read anything but the Bible.