>>19319076Sapphire would begin to laugh at the Queen's joke about being in high spirits, until she hears it. "Doh ho ho". Her laughter stops immediately and her eyes narrow, the last time she heard that laugh was in the divine angels locker room, when Steeli was going through their lockers the first time they met. But before she could get angry...
>>19319121>>19319135>>19319148Dia Mond would call her out, and Blue Hands assaults Valari from behind. The queen would head down to answer her. Jennifer's ghost moves beside the TV, watching it from an angle as one does. She really doesn't know who she should be rooting for in this, on one hand, the Queen is remarkably similar to Steeli in a number of ways, perhaps she's one in the same? On the other hand, is the pretend jewel of the WWA, who can't even put her opponent away with her nickle store Sapphire Cutter, and had to steal yet another page out of her own book using a low blow. Carmody and Priscilla would watch as a champagne glass lifts itself up, and pours out on the floor by the monitor.