>>16896697I’m not certain. With parasites it’s difficult to know because just like getting rid of them out if a carpet or mattress it can be so difficult to get rid of them out of the intestines.
If a human is infested with them then water under pressure to literally wash out the intestines can be the only functional response. It would necessitate an animal being sedated. Perhaps operating. But if a person were lucky - maybe using whatever products are available (the black flea always carries the tapeworm, they then live within the anchored tapeworm within the bowel, the bowels being a moving environment, they are symbiotic parasites taking advantage of each other), replacing all food with organic garlic perhaps and daily douching out of the lower bowel …a week might do it? Or might not. Parasites are tricky bastards and they have lots of strategies for re-infestation. Worms as well as arthropods.