>>19313564>>19313565>Kanako, it doesn't matter she is not an angel anymore.>It's like my grandma said:>Once a meanie, always a meanie.>Wellshedidn'tquitesaidmeanie...but you get my point.Kanako's tears streamed down her face. Paule didn't understand the situation quite well, but she knew what do to. She hugged Kanako.
>I don't hate you. And Carmody and Sola don't hate you either.>But you have to stop lying.>I don't understand why you can't stop teaming with Nika.>Please finish what you have to do as soon as you can.>>19315248Paule's phone beeped, there was a notification from the WWA news feed. Paule clicked on the video and Dia Mond's threat to Kanako roared from the speakers.
>I guess Nika is not the only meanie in your orbit.>Kanako, please be careful, she is a true meanie, believe me, I know.>Blue Hands gives me the ick.>I guess you need time to prepare for the match, you don't want to lose like me haha. And I still have to gift-gift-gifts.Paule grabbed Kanako's hands and looked her in the eye.
>Carmody, you and I. We are friends forever, we will solve this