Hispanic anons: why are people from your culture like this?
Anonymous ID:K6HThriS No.14625230 View ViewReport Quoted By:
>be academic failure who defaulted to line cooking as a career path
>as has been, kitchen employees are always 99% hispanic
>whenever I'm new to a job and training, they start talking about me being stupid or slow or whatever while standing two feet away from me
>this is assuming I can't understand them, even though i've been a cookslave since i was 17 and by now at 23 have obviously picked up on the language
>occasionally with any kind of mistake, they run and tell one of the chefs with an over exaggerated story about how bad I supposedly fucked up so i get in trouble
>never once offer advice on my performance to me or show me how to do it correctly, even when fluent in english
Also at every job there is usually one hispanic worker, always female, who gets bullied by everyone else and as a result clings to me as their one friend
Yeah so why you gotta be like this?