>>20582676Europeans ARE the Israelites. Only European Christendom fulfills every single Biblical earmark and prophecy of the children of Jacob-Israel. They are the custodian of God's word, they are like the sand on the sea shore, they are like the stars, they are in the new covenant, as was prophesied for the house of Israel and the house of Judah (not "jews"). They civilized the wilderness places of the earth, they set slaves free, they dominate the sea, they dominate the entire earth. They have blessed all the families of the earth with their Christian civilization, technology, medicine, rule of law, as prophesied, because God's word is true. White Christian people are the children of the living God. Everything else is equal to calling God a liar and a loser who can not hold his promises and his wife (Israel). He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, that's His name FOR EVER.
jews are at the mercy of White Christian nations, because White Christendom is the bride of Christ, the people of God. jews fulfill absolutely nothing and have blessed absolutely no one.