6 music albums that contain the song "Me" form a message. Some track lists are an addition.
https://secondhandsongs.com/search/performance?op_title=equals&title=Me&display=firstReleaseDate.release&sort=firstReleaseDate The same happens with "People's Lives":
https://secondhandsongs.com/search/performance?op_title=contains&title=People%27s%20Lives&display=firstReleaseDate.release&sort=id The query "House" has many more hits (and noise), but when you know the drill...
https://secondhandsongs.com/search/performance?op_title=contains&title=House&display=firstReleaseDate.release&page=3&sort=id Try queries for yourself. Sort on ID, dates, artists (search settings filter), both up and down. Try 'Lightning' backward in time for instance. Start with 2021. Try "History" forward in time, 1962-2013.