>>19431977>Got any suggestions as to how to do that?Sometimes if school isn't working you should drop out and go get a job in something. One friend for example failed out of school multiple times, ended up basically homeless, bad situation. He finally started working doing oil changes. Really shit job. Then he worked his way up to a service advisor for a repair shop, and last year he was awarded as their highest-earning guy. So this was about five years since he failed out of school until he had actually started making something of himself. Now he has two cars (one is an old V12 Mercedes), a long term girlfriend, and a nice apartment. He lives in a beautiful town and has fun. I honestly thought he might kill himself back when he was failing out of school. I have other friends with similar stories. If you have a decent head on your shoulders any field you enter you will start to get promoted and make more. More doors open, and soon you can pick a cool job that makes you happy. But right now you are treading water. You will lose strength and your head will slip under the waters soon.