KEK also this happened a few days ago: Anonymous found an old copy of the site of the propaganda news portal that is managed and owned by the ruling party (basically the PM himself and a few of his close associates), . So far 3,8gigs have been released, in it are the names of the site admins, and the email addresses and IPs of the people who left comments on their site, and they claim they are in possession of another 116gigs of data.
I'm not familiar with sql databases so i can't dig further for now, and anyway all i can think of would be to try and discern the 'normal' commentators from the shills and maybe oust said shills.
It's interesting to see that Anonymous are still alive and kicking, i was under the impression they have been subverted a long time ago, so i'm not really sure how much one can trust them, if at all. I'm aware there can be different factions of them and some might still be true to their mission, but still i'm taking all this with a grain of salt.