>>19468742>You just suggested that non-whites couldn't acclimate.correct, because "not being criminal" does not mean they're automatically a gain for us because all these stats
>higher IQs, less crime, higher per capita education and higher per capita income levels.are meaningless for our higher goals.
The bigbrain take is to not mind a little bit of criminality or lower IQ because it might shake us out of our stupor.
Brutal Afghani or Turkroach genes might be more effective in changing the overly complacent character over the next generation, as long as we win the cultural game.
(again, not saying I want those genes, just that you could just as well argue for their merit)
There is no "good immigration" because the whole premise of giving the industries a broader and cheaper workforce is critically flawed. It's also not even remotely a good faith argument because we know they are after White replacement. So why bother with a cope?
>the axewound to my head might just give me the inspirational headache I was looking for