>>12575477Find GOD in your life, read the bible and philosophy too. God saved me against this satanic issue and actually enlightened me on life as general. These insta models/porn actresses (I deleted all social networks) are all succubus, they are demons, they want you slaved.
Lust is a sin, remember that.
When you drive your energy to meaningfull things you will understand that porn is retardation and self slavement. For you the simple thought about driving your energy to other things can be hard to understand since now you only think about sex, its on everything. But PRAY to God, read the bible and learnd from it and you will be saved.
In the beginnig the demons wont let you out so easy, they want your energy, your spirit but you need to be stronger and pray every single time when the temptation happen.
Life is beautiful, learn to enjoy it.