Alright you insufferable jew worshipping, semite adoring, kike enabling, sandnigger blowjobing, nigger wifecucking abrahamist faggots, listen the fuck up:
All of the (((abrahamics))) have exact same (((judean))) roots, the exact same barbarian faggots that genocide neighborhood civilization after civilization for not worshipping their kabbalistic revelation of their egregore (((Tetragrammaton))), aka YHVH/Yahweh/Jehovah/Elohim/Allah, whose roots start from genetically muttified nigger kikes with their monotheistic death cult of (((Anu))) that they stole from Babylon's pantheon of Gods who turn in to (((Zoroastrians))). A lot of factors and cultural revelations indicate that Anu is, indeed, the Saturn, even though the PLANET Saturn can be used in occult to banish negativity. All of you abrahamists have the exact same roots, and it's (you) faggots who worship Saturn and his dead kike on a stick and his later sandnigger pedophile rapist shitskin prophet of barbarian untermenchs.
I am going to worship Satan who originally was known as Enki and pray to Melek Ta'us, also known as Lord Vishnu to bring back the Satya Yuga golden age of Satanism Aryan world back, and there is literally, virtually NOTHING you can do about it. For Satan is the Truth is Sanskrit, and the God is Satan (Truth), i.e. Godan, i.e. Odin. Enki and his brother Enlil (Zeus/Baal/Indra/Perun/Thor/AmonRA/Hadad/Marduk/Shivu) are the only true Gods of Aryans, while kikes are genetically failed project of Anu. Only occult Magic can destroy jews.
Exposing christianity: hate Satan:, Self-Empowerment, Spiritual and Mental Strengthen techniques through Yoga and Meditation: from
>>350000051 thread
Jannies still can go fuck themselves.