>>19313564>I-I...I don't think Carmody is happy with me...Kanako sniffles.
>And I think she told everyone else I'm no good.>I HATE the Divine Angels, and I'm pretty sure they don't like me either. And and and, um, Nika isn't with them anymore...I already told you that sorry...Kanako's hands clutched her knees.
>Yeah I know she was mean to Carmody...and Sola...but, but I'm doing my best to help her!Kanako wiped tears from her eyes.
Kanako is taken a back by Paule's offer to team with her. Her eyes gazed at the floor.
>I...I'm really...sorry...but I have to team with Nika for now. A-A-And I don't mean for wrestling reasons, I promise I have a good reason!Kanako pleaded.
>B-B-But.....F4imKanako trailed off, tears in her eyes.
>I...I messed up. I messed up really bad Paule. Everyone hates me. And maybe they should. I'm a liar, a shadow, a phantom who shouldn't even be talking to you right now.Kanako cluched her face, crying. She quickly recovered, wiping away the tears and looked at Paule.
>They're not gonna forgive me. It's too late.Kanako looked at the ground.
>I'm...I'm really sorry...I can't team with you for now.Kanako looked at Paule with tear-filled eyes, despite her best attempts to wipe them away.
>So, so, so, it's better you ditch me. Everyone hates me, it'll hurt you being my friend. Kanako sniffles and wipes her nose.