>>12094874minor add on to the last paragraph
I don't want to break 4th wall, by now it's a stale gimmick that is no longer meta, however I'm not neccessarily averse to deconstruction of 4th wall breaks as a minor nod to it all but without much focus
>3rd most elegantI agree, grnerallx this is a wsy to go, though I did like the Dunwich horror take that in later culmination has a nigh blend of 1st person and 3rd person as opposed to Shadow over Insmouth which is largely first person
>gamestopye, sucks pretty bad, gentlemen- this is democracy manifest, I see they know their judo well
>is russia supposed to deliverI don't know, but since they aren't a EU state the tariff will prolly be pretty inflated for that cause
>really doing thisit's like the least labour intensive thing I could do right now, I didn't find the carbon paper though I have good idea where it might be- I'll look for it in the early morning
the only real concearn is the block lf wood as not any will cut it but I hope I find one if not tomorrow atleast soon