>>19198020"Winston"(dunno his real name) was a white(TWP(tiny white penis)) discord predator who got Josie to fly somewhere that the AoC is lower so he could legally fuck her 16y/o virgin hole (he was 18-20y/o when they first hooked up). Josie then stayed with him in LDR for 4 to 5 years because she's a mentally ill white worshiping slut. They're both into furry and daddy-dom/LG roleplay but it's not clear what Josie was into before getting groomed by "Winston" other than gore and self harm.
When FTL started "Winston" still had his instagram and gloated that he "mogged" thousands of men who liked Josie by getting her IRL for 5 years. Josie messaged him to take it off his profile so it's likely they still have contact to some degree. Josie the type to keep every white male she fucks in her contacts, she likely still talks to Ben "Taylor" and the other 5 white guys she fucked this year also.