>>12469649So which flag have you liked the most so far?
>To see a professionalWell, that's one thing I would kind of like to start.... and see, that's another reason I don't think I should tell them - I don't want to put even more stress on them or our situation. If I do tell them about this anyway, I will ask for the other thing at the same time. If....
>whose suffering is more important?That's kind of an odd way to think of it. Everyone's suffering is important, isn't it? It's hard to say whose is more imporant when these things are so subjective
>you used to spam a lotNo, that was Anonymous. So it was you all along! Not just unhygienic but... well... bad looking
>only three more to go then, because Shizune's is much too badBut why.... I don't know. Should I play Saya first? Or maybe they're doing hookups exactly because they have no confidence. They don't think they're good enogh for a relationship in other words, so they go for someone who only wants one part of them
>I hope not, I never really liked those costumesThen what do you think she'll do? I think they're good as costumes like with Aqua's new outfit here, where the ears are removable. But I'm not the biggest fan of things like kitsune, unless they're of an under-represented animal like a deer or something. Foxes and wolves are too basic, though so are catgirls (male) come to think of it.... Everything is about crossdressing if you put your mind to it
>I take it you didn't like that picture thenWell, no... I said I liked the colors and such, and that isn't an excuse to post something gross either. I mean what even is that on her tail.... I don't know about the setting, but I like their clothing at least. From what I can tell tho, it seems kind of like light fantasy, which is especially played out
Speaking of fantasy you played Granblue, right?