>>14671551No, you're wrong. High-carb diets are literally poisoning people with refined cooking oil and mulched grains. It also causes malnutrition that fucks up your immune system and makes you more susceptible to COVID-19:
https://iceni.substack.com/p/covid-19-deep-dive-part-i-pathophysiologyMost COVID-19 deaths can be attributed to "hidden hunger", or a deficiency of the substrates necessary for antioxidant enzymes in the body to work correctly. Selenium, glutathione, cysteine, dietary nitrate, and Vitamin D are the big ones. Vitamin D deficiency is present in 40+ percent of all Americans. This rises to over 60% in Hispanics and over 80% in African-Americans.
Chronic oxidative stress leads to endothelial dysfunction, arterial hardening, and atherosclerosis. Basically, you're being poisoned by the food pyramid. It should really be upside-down. Animal fats and keto first, no refined oils, no carbs, no bread, no goddamn sugar.