like I knew speed was cheeper than say heroin or whatever but like as cheap as my bros let me believe I see no reason not to buy in bulk, purify via ab extraction, purify again through recrystalisation and microdose to get shit done (less of the heart arythmia side effects)
>>10247095yo but really, is it that important to be with a virgin or...
like I would like to scrape off someone's or sometwo's hymen but in the end I see no problem losing the rigidity to used goods
>what did I dosacrificed large portions of my time my peers spent on getting drunk or high in the clubs fucking or trying... while I was helping my relatives run our village shitshow whilst still being the only family member that enlisted in a semi decent uni with nearly guarranteed employment after graduation (a lot of meme colleges don't offer definite jobs sort to say)
have more hours in talking to the normalfags than what I have ridding the bus (about 3 hours every day for the uniniciated) and a plant hasn't died on my wagch since last december (rip kektus)
>resident crackheadI was surprised how well made that whole playlist was, I keep listenibg to it over and over