If you consider how much human sexual nature has influenced society, Porn gives a way to shape & manipulate it, while being a big business with connections to places such as Hollywood.
Porn uses a combination of Social Engineering/Psy-Op's(Promotion of certain Fetishes) & Subliminal messages(Voices, Messages,images,etc) to manipulate Men & Women.
Fetishes that are promoted & why they are:
1) Cuckold & Interracial(Demographic Replacement & devaluing of native males, while making the Men being turned on(rather then angry) by foreign men being with there tribes Women & making women turned on by foreign looking males)
2) Incest(This also heavily promotes Pedo stuff & promotes gene line destruction)
3) Trans,Gay & Anal (Messes with Attraction between Men & Women and there gender identity/role,while messing with reproduction)
4) Older Women.MILF/GILF,BBW (Promotes Male Attraction to less fertile & less healthy women(Since Feminism is making Women have kids later in life(and tend to be less fertile), Be single mothers & gets/promotes being fat)) & telling Women "You can still get fucked no matter what")
Porn is also loaded with Subliminal Messages(Voices,Messages, images, etc) & its designed in such a way that overtime the only way people can "get turned on" is if they look into more fucked up fetishes(Such as Bestiality, etc).