On the Bohemian Grove:
they make a "mock" sacrifice (maybe even a real one, but not really able to tell based on Alex Jones footage) of a child in fiery pit (usually how sacrifices to Moloch are made
>>241637543. They call it "the cremation of care", meaning that all their cares are casted into the fire and sacrificed for their success, meaning they dont care about anything or anyone anymore. This is the essence of Crowleyism which is also pretty much the same as all occult schools, trying to get yourself into a mindset where you only care about yourself anymore, and suddenly lying, cheating, blackmail, deceit, subversion, murder etc., all the morals you had, these "selfimposed limitations" you put onto yourself (or God put onto you to bind you and hold you back) being casted off in order to gain worldy success
>>241628752 >>241628799 >>241645208 Also its done of a huge owl statue, where as owls relate to saturn
>>241655416 and Saturn to Moloch, Cronus
>>241665504 and even Satan
>>241623236add to this that a lot of presidents go there before becomming president.
>>9498121we thought there with boxes too, we categorized other animals as threats, food, family/pack or uninteresting for example, having certain behaviors and responses available for each of these if theycome up, for example.
>>9498123yes i am. And im happy to hear that. coincidentally through Pizzagate back then I started looking into stuff too through which I came to believe that there is no way that God doesnt exist, and any God that isnt that of the Bible isnt worth being worshipped either way.
>>9498126Not today anon, its kind of late and i wont stay up much longer.