So I've been seeing stuff about this pop up in my feed everywhere a lot recently:, if you go to Tokyoo and various other major cities in Japan you will find homeless teen runaways in schoolgirl outits, designer gothic lolita shit, etc, because they ran away from home either because their dad was molesting them, their parents were beating them or there was too much pressure to succeed in school. Now, the video is vague, but given Japan's permissive attitude towards prostitution I'm going to guess that's how these girls are making money to survive. Japan's solution to this is generally to put the girls briefly in asylums, or send a shitload of cops in to scare them into going home.
The comments are littered with stuff like "I went to Japan, I met my wife there, she was a 16 year old homeless girl. We got her parents to agree to allow us to marry. She now lives in the US with me."